1/ Wind Energy Facility prohibition of all land within 5km of the high tide water mark of the coast East of Wilsons Promontory. West of the Promontory is protected by this planning regulation and with this inclusion it will maximise protection of the fragile ecosystem of the Victorian coastline.
2/Protection of species. The Gang Gang Cockatoos have had a 69% decrease in numbers over the past 30 years. The recent bushfires of 2019-2020 have also exacerbated the decrease in numbers. They are now a threatened species( March 2022)and Bird Life Australia has launched a Bushfire Recovery Project to assist these little birds. Since April 2022,these birds have been seen frequently in our vegetated areas by the coast. The White Bellied Sea Eagle is a protected species. There are approx. 100 breeding pairs in Victoria, with 25 pairs in Corner Inlet. They follow the water ways inland. They have been seen on the farms feeding on carrion(dead prey).
3/Protect 30 years of Landcare and revegetation under the JARR Project of the Jack and Albert Rivers. These catchments need protecting. Also, the smaller creeks and their catchments need protecting.eg Nine Mile Creek, and Muddy Creek
4/ Protect remnant coastal vegetation. These parcels of natural eucalyptus and heath woodlands are precious and remain important to the biodiversity of the area. Examples Nooramunga Coastal and Marine Park ,Gelliondale State Forrest, Alberton West Forrest and the Ramsar Wetlands.
5/ Protect the health and wellbeing of regional Victorians by disallowing windfarms within 2km of a dwelling. The recent Supreme Court case Noel Uren & John Zakula Vs Bald Hills Wind farm proves that even though a windfarm may be compliant with current noise legislation, it can be assessed as unacceptable nuisance noise that impacts on health.
Basically, we want to educate and inform interested parties that Nooramunga is one of the few coastal wetlands in Victoria that is relatively untouched, and should be protected as a "Jewel in the Crown" of Victoria.